All services are currently being conducted via telehealth until further notice
Please contact for further information at Johnnyn@prismwellnesscounseling.com
“Diversity in wellness for you”
Life is full of tough choices and challenging situations that are unexpected. Sometimes these things can get in the way of us being our genuine selves.
Remember you aren’t alone and its ok to reach out for help sometimes.
Welcome to Prism Wellness Counseling. I wanted to take this moment and thank you for visiting us. If there other questions you may have that are not addressed on the site please feel free to contact me @ JohnnyN@prismwellnesscounseling.com

Do you want to make positive, life-altering changes? Overcome depression, relieve your anxiety, reduce stress, heal from trauma, addictions and loneliness, and stop making choices that lead to self-defeat?
My goal is to help you discover your true potential and unique purpose while focusing on your wellbeing and personal growth. Negative thinking, behaviors and habits can prevent you from living and truly celebrating your life and enjoyment. Often self-limiting thinking styles and emotions can result from our past history or current situations. You can overcome these obstacles, develop the qualities, and skills needed to be the best version of you possible. Life hands us tremendous challenges. But our history doesn’t have to be our destiny! Tomorrow can be better and brighter. There is hope for change and the only thing that is constant in life is change!!
Our younger years can be challenging as we can all recall to a time of feeling insecure, difficulty connecting with others, and feeling like fitting in would make things better. Do you feel like your youth in your family struggles with some issues around “shyness”, self-esteem, or isolation?
I have over 10 years of experience working with young people from ages 5 and up. In my work i have span my experience in thereapeutic play to processing reasons why they are into what they are into at that moment. Topics that have come up and i am familiar with has revolved around their interests and providing a space for them to express themselve and connect with me through therapy. Here are some mediums that i have utilized or have been brought to me that i am familiar with:
- Anime
- Comics
- Manga
- E-Sports
- Cartoons
- Table top gaming (D&D/Pathfinder)
- Board games
- Art
- TV shows
- Cosplay
- “Nerd” culture
- Video games